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What's New?

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» RRSP MAXIMIZER, Loan Application.

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Savings Calculator  

Mortgage Calculator  

Loans Calculator  

RRSP Tax Calculator  

RRSP Savings Calculator  

Currency Converter  

GO Figure - Financial Resource Centre  



Maximum Mortgage Calculator

Provide a response to each of the questions below to determine the maximum mortgage you can expect to get with a financial institution. Click the "Calculate" button at the bottom of the page when you are finished to perform the computation.

 1. Annual Family Income: $
 2. Annual Property Taxes: (estimate) $
 3. Monthly Heating Costs/Condo Fees: (estimate) $
 4. Minimum Monthly Payments for Loans/Credit Cards: $
 5. Monthly Secondary Financing Payment: $
 6. Interest Rate: (rates) %

Compute Maximum Mortgage & Payment

Maximum Mortgage

Monthly Payment



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Suite 1, 6435 Edwards Blvd. | Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5T 2P7 | Tel: (905) 795-1637