Contact Us
Ontario Educational
Credit Union is open to all active or retired educational
employees and their families throughout Ontario, who are not served
by another existing "closed bond" educational credit union.
Head Office
Monday to Friday, 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm.
Tel: 905-795-1637
Fax: 905-795-0625
Toll free: 1-800-463-3602
Suite 101, 6435 Edwards
Mississauga, ON L5T 2P7
Two lights north of Hwy 401 and one block east of Hwy 10 (Hurontario).
Turn east off Hwy 10 onto Annagem; take Annagem to Edwards Blvd. We
are on the SE corner (main floor of Educators' Centre Bldg.)
In order to send someone at OECU an email, please use the first
initial of the first name and his/her full lastname, plus our
domain. For example, JSmith@oecu.on.ca.
President & CEO
Email: D. Gunderson
Director of Operations
Email: D. Borges
Member Services Representatives
Email: S. Costa
Email: D. Horan
Email: J. Stecko
Email: C. Pacheco
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Barrie Branch
Tuesday and Friday 9:30a.m. – 4:00p.m.
Tel: 705-737-5622
Fax: 705-737-9946
Toll free: 1-800-292-7202
Unit B8, 48 Alliance
Barrie, ON L4M 5K3
Member Services Representative
Email: L. Robbins
Member Services Representative
Email: K. Kenney
Email: C. Macdonald
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Resolving a Complaint
OECU is committed to resolving member
problems, disputes or complaints fairly and professionally. Please
refer to the link below:
